Sunday, January 06, 2008


OK I guess it's time for me to catch up on my blogging. Here are some pictures from our trip to NIKE TEAM NATIONALS in portland oregon. Here's my team and coaches by the huge christmas tree.
We got to meet about 10 Elite runners. Abdi abdirahman was my favorite. He's from Kenya and he's way funny! He came and ate dinner with us and then later that night at the dance they held he came and taught me some foot dance.
This was the craziest part! The day we got there they took us into this room and handed us each a way nice backpack. The backpack was filled with all sorts of expensive running stuff! It was like Christmas!
Here are some of us with our new matching nike shoes...we got these and a racing shoe for free! Yippee
After the the way those shoes i'm holding were my new ones :) the course was way muddy to say the least!