Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Here are some pictures that I took when I babysat in the middle of June... We made edible playdough...sonmehow some got on Isaac's forehead..hmmm

I decided to take the little boys to the duck park and one of the neighbor boys came over so i took all of them...well they decided to take a dip with the ducks...probably shouldn't have let them swim in a duck infested pond, but i decided to let them have fun for a while...later when i got home i found out that Mathew(the neighbor boy) was wearing a new outfit...oops
One of the days Grandma V. took all of the littlest boys and i took Jophes, Josh, and gigs to a rope swing in Layton.
I shaved away Josh's shag...yes yes Thank you very much... So many crazy things happened over that period of breaking the couch, murderous turtles..yadda yadda